Canadian Immigration: Predictions for the Future

With numerous economic opportunities and a free society, immigrating to Canada is a popular choice for countless millions of individuals from around the world. While a good deal of paperwork is naturally required and although the process can take a significant amount of time, the end result will be an opportunity to live in what can only be considered one of the most advanced countries in the world.

What are some of the most pertinent immigration statistics and what can we expect in the future?

The Current Figures

Between 2001 and the present, it is estimated that between 221,000 and 262,000 individuals have entered Canada each year. This is mainly due to economic opportunities, social freedoms and an ability to cater to the needs of refugees from around the world. The aggregate population of Canada is estimated at just over 36 million inhabitants.

Future Trends

Many authoritative sources have pointed out that immigration to Canada is expected to increase into the foreseeable future. The vast majority of this individuals will likely relocate to urban areas such as Toronto and Montreal.

However, it should be pointed out that policies are changing and that due to the constant threat of immigration, there may be additional measures put into place to curb these figures as the years progress. It is nonetheless a fact that Canada is an extremely attractive prospect for anyone in the world who desires a better life.

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