Canadian Permanent Residents: Securing a Job

Permanently immigrating to Canada is a very exciting thing to do as this beautiful country is full of wonderful opportunities and has all kinds of excellent facilities. One of the most important assets you need is good communication skills to help you integrate and find a suitable job. Canada has two official languages: English and French. The best language to learn if you do not already speak it, is the one that is the most normally spoken in the region where you intend to live on a permanently. There is a lot of help available in terms of learning English and French, so you will be feeling at home as soon as possible. Continue reading

Health Insurance Options for a Permanent Resident

Healthcare is one service that should be on your list after achieving permanent resident status. A Canadian permanent resident has the right to apply for public health insurance that allows most services without payment.

It is important to find relevant information regarding the health care plan of a specific province. The CIC provides a list of the ministries of health that an immigrant can use before starting the application process. Continue reading

Canadian Immigration: Predictions for the Future

With numerous economic opportunities and a free society, immigrating to Canada is a popular choice for countless millions of individuals from around the world. While a good deal of paperwork is naturally required and although the process can take a significant amount of time, the end result will be an opportunity to live in what can only be considered one of the most advanced countries in the world. Continue reading

Applying for Permanent Residency under the Business Class

Canada is one of the countries that receive the highest number of immigrants every year. The opportunities available in the county are some of the reasons for this. Also, immigrants don’t have to face strict policies when seeking residency status. For an immigrant to become a Canadian permanent resident, they must apply for the status. The business class is one of the options that immigrants have when applying to become permanent residents. An investor, self-employed person, or an entrepreneur can qualify for permanent residence. Continue reading

8 Success Secrets to be Proactive and Achieve Goals

In life, the price of lacking initiative can be huge. No one desires a life filled with mediocrity, no one wants to look back on their life and feel that they have not achieved the dreams they set out with. People who achieve great results in life are proactive regardless of the situations they find themselves in. They understand that success hinges on the simple act of staying in control, taking decisive action and following it up with momentum.

What you can Absorb and Comprehend:

Successful people stay in control, irrespective of their circumstances. This is the reason they are more likely to reach their goals. When you are in control of your life, no matter how small a step you take, you will be moving steadily towards your goals.